How Much Term Insurance Cover Should You Have?


How Much Term Insurance Cover Should You Have?


When COVID19 struck, millions lost their lives. Many were left widowed, orphaned, and homeless. Either it was lack of income or unfortunate deaths at home. 

Either it was lack of income or unfortunate deaths at home. 2020 reflected why having life insurance is as essential as the necessities. Following the epidemic, there was a surge in demand for life insurance policies.

When it comes to life insurance, term policies are the most cost-effective since they provide the apt coverage for the least amount of money. Term policies are the most basic type of life insurance, paying out the sum promised if the insured dies during the Policy’sPolicy’s term. If the insured individual survives the period, there is no payout.

However, simply purchasing life insurance is insufficient.

This blog will guide you about:

  1. What is life insurance, and how will one benefit from that in the future?
  2. What are the parameters to consider before selecting a life insurance cover?
  3. What are the best term insurance plans in India?

And shall also disseminate information about the basics of life insurance.

What is Life Insurance? And Why do you need one?

Staying with your loved ones and watching them flourish is what makes us happy. But life isn’t a leisure valley. It’s full of unforeseen events that might turn the tables on you. 

It is where life insurance lends a helping hand. 

Life insurance is nothing more than a professional coast guard that saves your family members when you are gone. 

Life insurance protects you and your loved ones financially. It ensures that you and your loved ones are financially supported at all times.

Life insurance is roughly grouped into several types, each tailored to a specific set of needs, such as Term Insurance, Unit Linked Insurance Plans, Savings Plans, Retirement and Pension Plans, Endowment Plans, etc.

There are multiple life insurances in the market, and all differ in terms of need and benefits. Therefore, the importance of life insurance are as follows:

  1. Securing your family (financially) and giving them a decent time to bounce back after your loss.
  2. Purchasing life insurance would help you lead a tax and stress-free life because life insurance payouts are tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.
  3. Secures your retirement, where you could live in your wonderland the way you wanted without relying on anyone for money (depends upon the plan you buy).
  4. A beneficial backup when you suffer from any chronic ailment and your family can’t give 100% support.
  5. Secure your child’s future.
  6. Providing a monetary backup when you meet with an unfortunate event in life like death.

What is Term Insurance?

As the name suggests, term insurance is a life insurance policy covering you for a specific period or a number of years. A death benefit will be paid if the insured dies while the Policy is active or in force.

Looking through India’s life insurance choice, term insurance is far less expensive than permanent life insurance. Term insurance, unlike most other types of insurance, has no monetary value. Term insurance policy  Policy guarantees death payment.

However, the benefits of a term insurance policy are not limited to death payments. Some insurance companies give compensation for the policyholder’s permanent or partial disability. The cash covered may be collected as a single lump amount or as a combination of lump sum and monthly installments.

How to Select the Best Term Plan Coverage?

How much is too much?

When you buy life insurance, one must be clear about ‘How much term insurance coverage should you go with?’

It is a mandatory question because your job and pocket play a significant role in timely investing to save yourself from lapses. Therefore, one needs to sit and research thoroughly to understand how much term plan coverage they should invest so that their family could financially sail for decent years until they get back on their feet.

For instance, you are a regular 9-5 employee who earns a decent income, is the sole bread earner in the family, and feeds four people. Let’s put in a simple formula, and that is,

Minimum Sum Assured = Annual Income X 10 times + Loans/Liabilities

91,00,000 = 9,00,000 X 10 + 1,00,000

If you belong to this section, you should consider having a term insurance coverage of over 1.5 crore or 2 crores.

Tip: When you know that your expense shall hit a certain amount, always keep the insurance coverage amount at a higher price because life is full of buffers, and you don’t know when you need an extra layer of economic aid. 

If you want to determine the term plan coverage you need then, consider these points to have clarity:

  1. Know your budget (it not only counts your income but should also add the monthly expenditure in the family).
  2. Know your liabilities 
  3. Keep in mind about the hovering ailments in the family (concerning age and gender)
  4. Inflation and other added spendings
  5. Look through the payout method.
  6. Additional perks and services offered by the insurance company
  7. Look for a higher claim settlement ratio.
  8. Read through the reports and reviews of the term plan and insurance company (whether the customers are happy or not).

While buying the term insurance plan, one must also consider seeing through the negative that might affect the term plan.

What are the factors that affect life insurance coverage under the Term Plan?

When investing in term insurance coverage, do it the right way by chalking out all the possible arriving shortfalls. 

One can opt for higher or lower premiums based on earnings and circumstances, but remember that you need to have a futuristic perspective because term insurance is a long-run plan. 

Tip: Start thinking about purchasing a term insurance plan at a young age (twenties) because it’s the age where you begin to be the pillar of the family and start earning.

Therefore, consider these plans to have a better plan, consider these points to have a safer sail than a windy trip in a term insurance plan.

  • The number of family members: Individuals with a large number of dependents should choose a bigger sum promised to ensure that the financial requirements of all family members are met following the untimely death. Be a safety umbrella for your loved ones rather than leaving them hanging in mid-air.
  • Lifestyle: This aspect heavily defines how much spendings are done by the family members. Now, this factor could see a change when other events arrive. It could either be an upgrade in financial stakes, educational or geographical differences.
  • Liabilities: Never forget your liabilities as you don’t forget to count the leisures you need in life. When you understand the constraints in life, you know how to map and manage your spendings. 
  • Pay Capacity: You pay as per the capacity. You know your affordability and pocket, and you select your insurance coverage based on your monthly and annual expenditure. 
  • Children’s Education: It is one of the costliest things if your child opts or gets into a private school or college for studies. Or opt to move abroad for their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. Never miss out on this point if you are expecting kids in the near future. 

After purchasing term life insurance, one might feel that the term insurance coverage is insufficient since your family’s needs may increase in the future (depending on various factors and additions). 

At this stage, one might be concerned about the coverage facing deficiency. 

However, one doesn’t need to be concerned as you can always purchase another policy or choose to increase your basic life insurance policy. With the help of enhancement cover, the sum insured might grow at critical junctures in life, such as a marriage, ailments, or higher studies of the children.


Choose the right coverage based on your annual spendings and earnings (also, considering the crucial points). You can provide a haven for your family at the time when they deal with unfortunate happenings and losses.