How to Make Money with Google Adwords ?


AdWords is Google’s text-based system for advertising on its site and its partner sites. Anyone wishing to promote a product on Google can enrol in this program. The service allows you to choose keywords to help match your ads to your audience, create your own ads, and control the cost of your advertising—you pay only when people click on your ad (a cost per click plan).

How to Make Money with Google Adwords ?

Adwords is an advertising program that helps to effectively establish your company’s presence in its site. It is mainly targeted for sellers, with a very cost effective fee to start up for as low as 5$ followed by a pay per click-through cost of between 1 cent too 100$.

What You Need To Use Google Adwords

The AdWords concept is simple: you create ads that Google shows alongside regular search results. Your ads appear when somebody searches for keywords you’ve told Google you want to be associated with. For example, if you have a site that sells computers, you might want your ad to appear alongside Google results when people search for Computers or technology. For your first campaign, try not to choose words that have a lot of competition, since that might turn out to be expensive. Remember, you are still a novice and there are bigger fish that know the game better than you. Taking them on at the first go would be utterly foolish.

Look at what the best ads are from other people’s ads (who sell a similar product) and try to look for their success formula in those ads. If they can afford to be at the top night after night, then chances are they are probably making money. Just look at what similarities that you can adapt form their ads, and you will be pocketing a lot of good ads to get ideas and copy from. This is the way to create powerful and compelling ads that make people want to click. Not just random people, but the people who are potential future customers, who can make you money. To do this is rather simple.

You have to keep in mind these 2 things now that your adwords business is growing: Your Return On Investment (ROI) and your Click Through Rate (CTR).The ROI helps you determine how profitable your Google Ad is. The CTR helps you fine tune your ad so you can increase the number of people clicking on it especially if its a profitable ad, if more people are clicking on the ad itself it would probably result in an increase in your affiliate income.

You would want an effective follow-up strategy. To do that, you can once again adapt other people’s marketing efforts and apply them to your own site. Offer some free information that will actually help them out. You may even throw in bonus items time and time again. The key here is to provide something of value to hook them into your site. It’s not easy but the end result will speak for itself.