How to Start a Resume Writing Business ?


Resume writing doesn’t seem to be a legitimate business for a lot of people, but when you stop to think about it, most everyone needs a resume at some point in their lives. Whether young or old, the right resume can mean a better job or just a foot in the door. And you can make money with resume writing as a home business.

How to Start a Resume Writing Business ?

Resume writing is done by meeting with a customer either on the phone, online or in person to see what kind of job they are applying for and what qualifications they have. Using this information, you will make money by creating several resumes that they can use at various job interviews. When you charge for the time that you spend on creating the well-written and formatted resume, you will make money quickly and easily without a lot of start up costs.

What You Need To Start A Resume Writing Business

To start a resume writing business that will make money for you, you need to have a current computer with a good word processing system. Many of these programs already have resume writing templates in them, so all you may need to do is enter the information that a client has given you. If not, there are many resume writing programs online that you can download or services that can help guide you with various situations.

And as long as you have a way to contact the client—Internet or phone—you are ready to make money with resume writing. You might want to invest in a book that can give you various formats for individual industries as they can vary from business to business. This book will give you the right order in which to place qualifications as well as industry specific things that need to be included.

You might want to invest in a tape recorder to get your client’s voice and demeanor on the record as well. With this kind of personal information, you will be able to craft a resume and even a cover letter that will not only make money for you, but it will also sound like the client did the writing for themselves. This is very important as the client is the one that will be going into the interview to talk about their resume and not you.

Growing Your Resume Writing Business Over Time 

When it comes to your resume writing business, there are more ways to make money. You might want to offer classes in how to write a great cover letter or how to search for jobs. With this instruction, you can teach clients how to get the job that they want as well as give yourself some advertising to get resume writing assignments.

You might also want to make money by offering individual interview coaching. If you feel that you have superior interview skills and that you know what an interviewer will want to hear, you can arrange to sit down with a client after writing their resume and start to work on the kinds of questions that might be asked of them. This can be a lucrative business as you might spend a lot of time with each client and make money by taking resume writing to the next level.

With resume writing, you can stick with the basic of assembling a good resume to make money or you can advance your services in the realm of overall job coaching. In any case, you can create a business that is worthwhile to your clients as well as to the companies that they are hoping to work for.