How to Start an Office Cleaning Business ?


Starting a cleaning business takes little cash and little energy to start making money right away. It’s a service business — which is the type of business you should be looking at in today’s economy. Just pick up the paper and check out where the economy is heading. Starting a service business nowadays is one of the most efficient ways to earn.

How to Start an Office Cleaning Business ?

Your potential customers are not simply businesses who occupy “office” space. Rather, your customers are on every corner and in locations like hospitals, stores, hotels, and other types of buildings cleaned on a regular basis. Some cleaning companies only do cleaning, while others offer a full range of other duties and diversify (always a good idea) and include services such as equipment cleaning and even maintenance and janitorial servicing (fix leaky faucets, empty trashcans, fill towel dispensers, etc.).

What You Need To Be A Commercial Office Cleaner

A commercial office cleaning business can often make very healthy profits, sometimes up and over six figures a year. Typically you won’t see this working alone, where a range of $35-$50,000 a year is more typical. The higher profits come from larger accounts and by promoting the “add-on” services.

To get started quickly and without spending a lot of cash, you can start an office cleaning business with the basics. A Glass cleaner, all-purpose (strong) cleaner and a regular vacuum cleaner, like one from home. Because this is really a service business and startup equipment is minimal (to get going), you can typically get rolling for less than $200.

Don’t forget this reminders when starting up this new business: Decide whether you’re going to work at home or lease an office space. Don’t forget to apply for necessary licenses. Open bank account under your business name. Obtain appropriate insurances. Develop a website it will give your business a boost.

Growing Your Office Cleaning Business Over Time

Start An Office Cleaning Business

Most of where your budget should be spent on marketing in the beginning. Targeted direct mail sales letters will allow you to speak personally to your prospective clients and will help you set-up sales without having to make those cold calls we all hate.

Begin marketing your business. Your business plan includes a marketing plan so use this as your guide. Your initial marketing may include direct mail pieces, ads in the local paper or radio, and perhaps a banner ad on a complimentary website. Think about developing alliances with other local businesses. Make sure that everyone you know realizes that you have a new business. Send out postcards or letters announcing your new business to friends, family and business acquaintances.

You have to convince future clients that you provide the services they need at an acceptable price. Once you have a few clients serviced, get testimonials from them that you can use to convince other prospective clients that they need your services.

Starting your own cleaning business is a path you must be patient with, but can be extremely rewarding and profitable. Taking the time to plan, organize and understand your competition will help you to become aware of how your cleaning business can best serve the needs of businesses in the area. Taking the time to do things right before getting the first client on board will help to make sure your business is successful.