Infiniti Roadside Assistance Complete Details


Like other manufacturers, Infiniti also provides roadside assistance on all the new cars to prepare you to deal with emergencies. Roadside assistance is not only designed to deal with mechanical or electrical problems but also with issues like out of fuel, locked keys or collisions. To ensure that your trips are not compromised, Infiniti roadside assistance also provides trip interruption services where you can get a refund up to a certain limit.  The best thing is that the Infiniti roadside assistance is available free of cost during the warranty period. Go ahead and check out other information about Infiniti roadside assistance in the sections below.

Infiniti Roadside Assistance

More Information

As per the information available, Infiniti roadside assistance is available free of cost for four years and unlimited miles from the date of purchase. This coverage can be extended after four years by paying a subscription fee. Talking about the coverage under Infiniti roadside assistance, you get flat tire change, emergency fuel delivery, jump start services, lockout services, flatbed towing services, accident towing coverage, trip interruption claims and winching services. If your coverage has expired, you can get Infiniti roadside assistance by paying through any major credit card.

Infiniti Roadside Assistance Phone Number

To get support from Infiniti roadside assistance, you can call 1 800 662 6200. Apart from this, you can also request support online. The link to the online system for support is available here. Once you are on this page, enter your contact details and select the issue type. You will be connected to live support, and they will dispatch the help to your location depending on the problem you are facing. Ensure that you have your vehicle identification details, location, and other similar information handy with you.

The official link to Infiniti Roadside Assistance is