Lexus Roadside Assistance Complete Details


Lexus offers the right combination of reliability, comfort and value for money. If you are a proud owner of Lexus, then we are sure you would trust your vehicle more than anything. With a little maintenance, your Lexus can last more than a decade. However, emergencies can strike down even with the most reliable vehicle. To be better prepared to deal with these emergencies, you can get Lexus roadside assistance. In this article, we have shared more information about Lexus roadside assistance and the extension of Lexus roadside assistance.

Lexus Roadside Assistance

More Information

Lexus roadside assistance is available during the warranty period, and you will get support from the dealership during this period. If you need support during this coverage period, you can call 1 800 25 3987. You can also request help using the Lexus App on iTunes and Google Play Store. This is the best way to get support during such emergencies through the application, as you can pinpoint your location this way. Moreover, you will be able to track the request and the support vehicle when you are using the Lexus roadside assistance application. The support page for the Lexus roadside assistance is –

What is Lexus Roadside Assistance phone number ?

If at any time you need Roadside Assistance Call 1-800-25-Lexus ( 1-800-255-3987 )

We always recommend having year-round roadside assistance for your car. So, what do you do when your Lexus roadside assistance expire? Well, you can get Lexus roadside assistance AAA. This is a roadside assistance program that allows customers to extend their roadside assistance by paying an annual membership. Sounds interesting, right? If you want to know more about the Lexus AAA, you can dial 1 888 348 3887. This helpline is available from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm between Monday & Friday. You can also find out more information about Lexus AAA using mobile application support.